I've added the final update to the couple...I'm not sure if any of the updates I made show up, but I thought I'd post it here anyway. I will be shipping it off tomorrow!
On another note, I am taking a portrait drawing class at the Carrboro Art Center. Tomorrow night is my second class. Last week's was a nice "reintroduction" to using live models. It's very different from using a photograph! Having a model really ensures that your eye is trained to pick up light, shadow, soft and hard edges...and negative shape. It's amazing how lazy the eye can get from photographs. (My eyes just glaze over after a while and the simplest mistakes occur and elude me sometimes).
Anyway, I don't want to scare anyone away...the first few sketches are always the worst...(This one is done with pencil (I think 4b)). It's pretty large - the pad of paper is 18x24 and I was successful in using the space. The teacher recommended that a portrait shouldn't be larger than life unless you have a really large or tall wall to put the portrait on...you can measure your face with your hand (open palm - place the thumb on your chin and your middle finger at the top of the forehead...or wherever it reaches.
Since it's late, I was too tired to do anything special to this one, so sorry about the flash. Tomorrow, I might go back to charcoal!
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