Monday, September 22, 2008

Art & Soul Studios
announces new works by
Cindy Champion, Martha Hamblin,Jean Kaplan, Cheryl Knox, Richard Knox
Opening Reception
Friday, October 3, 7:00-9:00pm

122 West Clay Street, Mebane, NC 27302

I won't be able to go to the reception since I'll be out of town...well...just getting back into town that night. However, these artists are really great people and produce high quality work. Definitely something to go to! Meet the artists, drink some wine and nibble on hor d'oeuvres.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

December Flower: Narcissus Updated

An updated shot of my WIP. I worked on the background some more, pulling in more definition of the grass. Don't ask me why I didn't crop the photo closer, but at least you can see my artist tape around the edges to keep it clean. (I added a few colored pencil names at the bottom and top so I wouldn't forget which ones I used where...)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

December Flower: Narcissus - WIP

Another bad picture, but you'll will have to wait until tomorrow for the daylight to try again. I started the flower today, so not very far in the process. I really have to work on that background. It's in an ugly stage, but you just have to stay with me on this one.
I made the mistake of drawing with pencil at first, so I had to lightly erase it and go over it with a purple colored pencil. (Graphite pencils make the color in the color pencils look dirty and don't really do the trick).

I'm hoping to work on the series next week when I will be "working outside my office". So, while I'll still be looking at emails and checking my voicemail for work, I *should* have time to relax a little and do some art. (Pending the hurricane action!)