Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving and Surprises...

First of all, Happy Thanksgiving! Today is a busy day for us, but I'm procrastinating...I have to bring pumpkin pie and "sausage balls" to my brothers house for our feast. However, our oven broke two days ago and I have to go to my mom's house to bake the sausage. I didn't know she had to leave early to go over to make her potatoes, so my husband, my kids and I are going to take over her oven this afternoon before we trek to Raleigh.

The best made plans aren't the best if we don't communicate our expectations...oh well.

I guess it's safe to say that the "plan" was that I was going to pick my mom up from her house in my little car while my husband goes to my brother's house with the kids. Then, we were going to "go to a movie" after Thanksgiving while my mom kept the kids. Except that the movie will Wilmington. Shhh....I'm surprising him with a weekend there without the kids. I hope he'll like it. He's been talking about things to work on for my studio. (He's excited about it, so I really, really hope he likes his surprise. I mean, I'm taking him away from what he wants to do this weekend...). Now I just have to figure out the cars...

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