Tuesday, December 30, 2008

January Flower: Carnation WIP

I worked at the gallery yesterday and was able to get quite a bit accomplished. I love to do flowers...but less petals! This is taking a lot of time and concentration.

Of, course, it's a WIP (Work in Progress). This is the January Flower, taken at the gallery with my phone. I tried to fix the brightness and contrast, but it just made it worse. Just imagine the paper is actually white. And yes, the flower is green for now. It will be red in the end...trust me. :)

For those that haven't figured out the flowers, I'm working on a series of Flowers of the Month. This is what I'm planning:
Jan: Carnation (WIP)
Feb: Violet (Not Started)
Mar: Daffodil (Not Started)
Apr: Daisy (Not Started)
May: Lily of the Valley (Not Started)
Jun: Rose (Not Started)
Jul: Water Lily (Not Started)
Aug: Gladioli (Not Started)...although the back up for this is the poppy...I might have to go with that.
Sep: Morning Glory (Not Started)
Oct: Cosmos (Not Started)
Nov: Chrysanthemum (completed)
Dec: Narcussis (completed)

Oy...there's a lot more to do that have been done!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

December Flower: Narcissus Completed


I'm stuffed from the turkey dinner we had and am now playing on my computer, trying to figure out which digital image is the most accurate from my recent colored pencil flower.

This is what I have on my desktop:

I feel like a bug with multiple lenses...and realize that I'm really going to have to wait until I get back home to compare the real one with the photograph.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Charcoal Drawing: Bovine Curiosity SOLD

I looked through my blog and noticed I need to start posting the finished product of these things!
So, this charcoal drawing (18"x24") was from a reference on wetcanvas and has drawn a few fans in the gallery. The opening on Friday brought two people in the gallery to buy it...so I think I might have to do a Bovine Curiosity II.

Monday, November 3, 2008

December Flower: Narcissus

OK, I'll try to get another picture of this...I took this while it was being hung at the gallery. (So, it's behind glass and I took it using my cell phone).

The next flower is for January and I need to find a good picture of a carnation. The next time I go to the store, I might pick up some and try my hand at photographing them! In just need to figure out what color I want...I need something other than yellow this time!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

November Art&Soul Happenings

You are cordially invited to
two evenings of celebration at
Art & Soul
Beginning with
The Holiday Extravaganza
followed by
Our Art & Soul 1st Anniversary Party!

Be the first to preview our new artwork
and creations for the holiday season
and help us celebrate a very successful first year as a cooperative art gallery.

Holiday Extravaganza
Thursday, November 6 5:00pm - 9:00pm
First Anniversary Party
Friday, November 7 7:00pm - 9:00pm

122 W. Clay Street, Mebane, NC 27302

For more information on "Holiday Extravagana" which includes Art & Soul along with other downtown Mebane merchants please visit http://www.downtownmebane.com/index.html

Monday, September 22, 2008

Art & Soul Studios
announces new works by
Cindy Champion, Martha Hamblin,Jean Kaplan, Cheryl Knox, Richard Knox
Opening Reception
Friday, October 3, 7:00-9:00pm

122 West Clay Street, Mebane, NC 27302

I won't be able to go to the reception since I'll be out of town...well...just getting back into town that night. However, these artists are really great people and produce high quality work. Definitely something to go to! Meet the artists, drink some wine and nibble on hor d'oeuvres.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

December Flower: Narcissus Updated

An updated shot of my WIP. I worked on the background some more, pulling in more definition of the grass. Don't ask me why I didn't crop the photo closer, but at least you can see my artist tape around the edges to keep it clean. (I added a few colored pencil names at the bottom and top so I wouldn't forget which ones I used where...)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

December Flower: Narcissus - WIP

Another bad picture, but you'll will have to wait until tomorrow for the daylight to try again. I started the flower today, so not very far in the process. I really have to work on that background. It's in an ugly stage, but you just have to stay with me on this one.
I made the mistake of drawing with pencil at first, so I had to lightly erase it and go over it with a purple colored pencil. (Graphite pencils make the color in the color pencils look dirty and don't really do the trick).

I'm hoping to work on the series next week when I will be "working outside my office". So, while I'll still be looking at emails and checking my voicemail for work, I *should* have time to relax a little and do some art. (Pending the hurricane action!)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Updates to my Studio

I took a few pictures of my studio today since we've added a few things lately.
Living in North Carolina requires air conditioning, so my husband added a window unit. No need to add central air here! The grass looks brown because we had someone come by and weed-eat, so I need to rake the dead grass away.
I'll also work on the landscaping once the weather cools down. My husband and I are trying to plan out a large patio and pergola between our house and studio, so that's why nothing has been done here...
Oh - and shutters...I need to get shutters...and complete the lattice around the porch.

I've already posted my cabinets, but I thought I'd add them here since it's now "lived in". The sides of the counter top need to be finished and I need to add the hardware.

Notice the flat file? I love this thing...and have been looking for a "cheap" one for about a year. I'm so excited about it! Now I can put my watercolor papers, my class charcoal portraits, mat board, etc in it. Yay!!! (Now I'll just have to figure out where it will go. Maybe I'll have my husband build me a cabinet for it).
(Trim still needs to be added on the bottom). I'm not posting any pictures of the other side...that's too lived in and I still need to organize!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Little Video...and Trees

(BEFORE HITTING PLAY...scroll down and hit pause on the playlist (||) - bottom right).

For some reason, this really hit me a little more than I expected. It's a short film that my sister forwarded to me. I thought it would be applicable to post it here, since...well...just watch it. It moved me to at least update my blog!

Maybe the film wouldn't have made the same impression if I stayed inside all day, rather than going outside to face the heat of the NC summer. I spent the early evening pruning our crape myrtle trees and really taking time to see the beauty of the trunks...don't get me started on "crape murder" trend around here. (Trees are my absolute favorite thing in nature.) Trees are just so gorgeous that I have to force myself to trim them. (I like them au naturel). I love how the bark on the crape myrtle trees peel away the outer layer of the muscular branches, exposing the orange-ish color of the new bark. I love it. I pruned many good sized branches and kept trying to give them to my 4 year old as walking sticks, but he quickly got bored with them. I thought to somehow incorporate the twisty branches into my art...but I'm a 2 dimensional artist and have a hard time thinking in terms of 3 dimensional sculptures. Maybe I can create a cool frame or something with them. I can't just burn them/throw them in the woods/have them shredded/etc...what to do, what to do...

Anyway, after spending so much time outside tonight inspecting my beautiful trees (I mean, I sat down on the ground for quite some time just staring at these trees with their multi-trunks coming up from the ground, twisting this way and that, and finally drooping down with the weight of their flowers), that seeing that film makes me realize that there are people out there that are unable to see the beauty of the simple things in life...blind or sighted.

Tomorrow, maybe I'll do some sketches of some trees.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Added a Playlist

It always startles me when I open a website and hear music. However, I was checking out other blogs and came across one with the greatest upbeat music, so...I added a playlist to mine!

The next Art&Soul artist opening is August 1st from 7:00 to 9:00 and will feature art from Hilary Latimer, Cydney Morel-Corton and Clare Steece-Julich.
As soon as I get some photos back of my newest piece, I'll post it. You're welcome to see it at Art&Soul Studios in Mebane!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Featured Artist Opening

Next Saturday, we will be hanging art for the artist reception in June. I'm a little stressed because I'm one of the featured artists! Our month includes artists who work in glass, soap/makeup, photography and painting. I think the four of us will complement each other well.

I just need to work on some paintings. Jerry's...here I come!
To learn more about future openings, feel free to browse the gallery's site: www.artandsoulmebane.com

Friday, April 18, 2008

Lights on in the Studio!

Need I say more? There are a few more things that need to be done...and then I'll be able to organize, clean, dust, etc.

Just a picture of the outside - the door will change Monday, exchanging it for a glass door to get more northern light into the studio. Landscaping still needs to be done and as you can tell, this was taken the night before trash day!


This is what you see as you open the door. Track lighting for paintings. Cabinets to the left...bookshelves to the right.


As you walk in, look left and you see my desk - for my day job. And yes, that's a panel all for my studio. I'm not sure if you can tell, but there are 3 recessed lights above the desk, 2 double switches above the desk and 2 quad switches below the desk. (Did you notice the light switches? There's a quad switch for the lights (1. fluorescents in center of room; 2. fluorescents above the cabinets and shelving; 3. track lighting; 4. outside lights) and then a separate single switch for the recessed lights. This was originally supposed to be a dimmer, and may change to it later.


Cabinets - just simple ones ready made from Lowes. There's a timer for the vent above (gotta have that for all sorts of art mediums) and a couple double outlets there. Another light switch behind the books for the fluorescents below the wall cabinets. The table is an antique that we need to get rid of in place of a sturdy drafting type table. I need the space for matting and framing.

This is what you see as you look right from the front door. This is the messy area - still working on these finds...something I found on craigslist. I'm painting them white and will have to do something about those cut outs. Notice the fluorescent lights above these units. (Haha, disregard the deflated excercise ball. Not much can be done with 2 small kids. They love it as a toy).


The other 2 units - can you tell which one I've primed already? Just in case you guys ever need to vaccuum sheetrock dust - make sure you don't use the light weight shop vacs! Apparently, sheetrock dust is very heavy and will clog the lighter shop vacs in no time. I had to go out and buy the bigger one. Oh - the cut out in the ceiling is the attic access. There are 2 lights up there. ---

So, that's it for now. My kids painted tonight in the studio - it's a good thing the floor isn't real wood. (And let me tell you that even though you may know they're painting, and there's all colors including red, it's still pretty freaky when you see red paint splatter all over the floor...I couldn't help looking for boo-boos).

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Chrysanthemum: November flower, colored pencil

It's been several months since I posted this as a work in progress. I put it down for a while but finally finished it, framed it and put it in the gallery in Mebane.

This Friday night we will be having a Garden Party reception for all of the gallery members. Please feel free to stop by, have some food, wine and enjoy the artwork. Unfortunately, I am out of town until Saturday!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Studio Update

White...The walls, ceiling and trim...white. I know, I could have picked all different colors, bold, soft, blue, red, but I chose white.

I've read that a mid-tone gray is the best for a studio, but I love to have things bright, and since my windows are not that large (for more wall space), I want it bright!

The corner here is for my future office, hence the recessed light and lots of outlets (there are more closer to the floor).

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Update on my Studio

We've been working hard at the studio (hahaha...did I just say "we"? OK - my husband has been working hard!)

I've lost count on the number of coats/sanding/recoats of sheetrock mud to the walls and ceiling, but it's almost there! The dust from sanding the mud has permeated every nook and cranny of the building. The ceiling still has to be finished, but the trim for the windows went up today. At first I wanted deep windows (oh, I forgot what they're called), but after reading about the different window trims and recommendations, I decided to go with the standard trim since it was a small room.
Painting just may happen this week - You'll be soooo surprised!

Monday, February 4, 2008

It's 53 degrees in the Trashcan

I bought one of these wireless thermometers for my husband for Christmas - it has an outside sensor to let you know what the temperature is at any given moment inside and outside (well, at least wherever the sensors are). My husband recently put the outdoor sensor in my studio to ensure it stays above 50 degrees in there. (It has to stay at least 50 degrees so that the sheetrock mud dries right). I was cleaning up the odds and ends the other night and I put it in the trash. I just thought it was our old sensor (never mind the faint sense of confusion as to why the broken one would have been there in the first place). The revelation did not come to me until later when my husband mentioned the studio temperature as he was looking at the display. I fessed up that the sensor was in the trash. We'll take it out before trash day, but it makes for a few laughs until then.

And yes, it's 53 degrees in the trashcan.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday's Portrait

Tina II, charcoal, 12 x 14 inches

Just in case you were wondering, last week's class was canceled. Sorry about that - I guess I could have said something, but I was in a funk. This week's model was Tina, which I was happy to hear that someone recognized to be the same model as one of my other drawings. (That always makes you feel good - that a person comes out recognizable!)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Update on my Studio

My husband has been working hard lately...as soon as he gets home from his labor intensive job, he goes and works on my studio! It's looking really nice - and I'm getting excited! Here are the most recent photos:

I'll post better pictures once the sheetrock is complete and we've had a chance to clear things out of the way.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Website Down...

Oh well...this is showing my programming knowledge...as in, I have none! I was fiddling around try to download new stuff for my site. Well, I guess I messed with the home page. You can still get to it - but you have to add the "/index.html" to it. So, if you're interested, go here:

I'll try to have it back up soon!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

First Drawing in the Studio!

The insulation is almost done on my studio! My husband has been busy trying to get it wired and insulated recently. Sometimes he doesn't even come inside after he gets home from work - he just goes straight to my studio to work. I decided to keep him company tonight, so I brought my work in progress out there while he stapled. This is the first of many more pieces of art to be created in my studio!

The cow portrait came came from a reference photo on the WetCanvas site I frequent. I still need to work on it, change the perspective of the fence post and tweak the values a little bit.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Tuesday's Portrait

I've posted the portrait I did last night from our class. You can always tell who got to the class late...because they're usually delegated to the sides and end up doing the profile portrait!

This model asked for the portrait at the end of class...I told him to come back next week since I wanted to take a photograph of it first.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Carrboro Portrait Class

OK, so I'm not sure if this will work - the picture above should be a slideshow of 7 portraits done from life. (Press Play - I had to make it into a movie). Five of them were from my last portrait class, one was done at home and the other was done at Art&Soul Studios during an opening we had in November... If it doesn't work, I'll try something else. If that doesn't work, then I'm stuck just pasting 7 images in the blog.

Tomorrow starts another session of portrait classes for me - I'm taking them with Herb Slapo at the Carrboro Arts Center. (Not to be confused with the one I'll be teaching in Mebane!) I have a really fun time going there and being with other artists and drawing from life (from a willing subject). Notice the slides above from the last session (if it works) - the first week started with the pencil portrait and I felt extremely rusty. It just wasn't clicking with me. The second week I decided to bring my charcoal and it was so much easier. Maybe it was because I loosened up a bit, maybe it was the medium, maybe both. Or, it could have been the subject. I decided to work with charcoal for the next session, then the next, etc. For me, charcoal tends to force me to stay loose. I should point out that I don't use a charcoal pencil. I use the vine or willow charcoal and tissue to blend. (The charcoal I use looks like the one 2nd from the left in the picture below).
I'll be bringing my charcoal to the next class...but I might bring some pastels too. We'll see!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Two Boys - Finished

I finished and framed the pastel painting above. It's never recommended to take a photograph of your work when it's already framed, but I forgot I didn't have the updated image. During my long shift at the gallery yesterday, I took quite a few photographs of the building, and some pieces of mine that are framed.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Art&Soul Classes

Some of you know (and I think I've posted this before somewhere) that I am a member of an art co-op. It's a really great gallery with a mixture of sculpture, pottery, paintings, jewelry, etc. I've enjoyed meeting the other artists and trying to get the gallery in gear for this year.

We are starting to offer classes upstairs and I'm one of the teachers! I'm starting slow, with only one class - a portrait drawing class for beginners. Check out the link for the gallery to see the other classes. (http://www.artandsoulmebane.com/). Hopefully, this will be a success!